Favorite Kind of Monster

If I was a monster, I’d be a Ghost - The kind that eats your old take-out! Ooooo!

(I'm not a music artist or anything so please forgive the bad audio quality, and lack of instrumentals!)
I am
A ghost.
A simple passerby.
I'd love
To look around,
If you don't mind.
I won't stay
Very long
Unless you need a friend,
But till then
I'll just look,
Then I'll leave.

This place
Isn't it great?
It smells
So nice,
Like the dew
On honeysuckles;
The beautiful breeze
In the trees.
I only wish I could touch it.
I only wish I could feel it.
I only wish
I could love it
like you.

Time is cruel.
It goes on,
And here I am
left behind.
To exist in the silence,
And relive these memories.
I can hope,
And I can pray,
I won't stay very long.
But till then,
I'll just look,
Then I'll leave.

Halloween is right around the corner. Whether you celebrate or not, I wonder what your costume would be? What would you go as if you could only be one thing every Halloween? I know many of you would choose a super hero. Many of you would be a villain from a horror flick, and who could blame you? Many of you might be a mystical creature- I’ve seen many a unicorn in my days!

For me, I think the creature that would fit me the best would be a Ghost… A cryptid that stays in one place for a while, longs to live like everyone else around it, and something people really want to see but not hang around too long. Wow, I did not mean to sound so depressing! Haha! Seriously though, somedays I feel so alive and vibrant… I want to experience all the world has to offer! And then other days, I just want to be shut up in a comfy place eating all the chinese food I possibly can.

This weather, the cold, it’s my favorite thing: I can dress how I want, be out in the world however long I want, and then escape to warmth when I’m ready to come home.

I’ve been at home in the cold far too long. The world has been… too hot, or… too painful. I’m glad I’ve been ‘going outside’ again!

Like I’ve mentioned before, I’ve dealt with depression a long time. Depression has this evil and wicked way of stealing all of your joy; It takes it away in more ways than you can even comprehend at the time. While you’re spending precious years, becoming withered from self-doubt and self-hatred, you lose all that time you could have spent being with loved ones… Or finding your purpose… Or just enjoying small and happy moments. I’m here to tell you it’s not your fault. It’s just not.

My prayer for you is that the world becomes comfy again. I pray you experience the world with a smile again. I hope you come to dress in your favorite clothes, eat your favorite things, and go places where you want to go!

Don’t be a ghost. You’re alive! And you deserve to live <3

Comment below what your favorite costume for Halloween is! Or what your favorite cryptid is! ;)


Fragile Wishes | Art & Poem


It’s Okay to Lose Sometimes