About Me

Hello! My name is Brieanna! Welcome to my blog!

今日は! 私のなまえはブリアナです。私のブログにようくそ!

I am a Christian, blessed with an awesome and hard-working husband and two very cute dogs. I have best friends that I call family, and family that have become best friends. I am proud to say that I love easily, and that I wear my heart on my sleeve. I used to be severely depressed, and to tell the truth, my worst fear for quite a while was loneliness. Now, with God’s guiding hand, I have begun to live peacefully, love freely, and be kind to myself.

People would describe me as an artist, a graphic designer, a cook, a writer, a poet, a Dungeons & Dragons Story-Teller, a video game player, and now a blogger. I’ve had a hard time trying to pin down exactly what I want to do to make my time worthwhile. ADHD is a wonderful thing exactly when you don’t need it to be! I’ve been thinking on it for a while, if I should start a Youtube channel, but everyone seems to have a niche. I figured, why not start a blog where I can funnel all my hyper-focusing into one place. Well, here it is! Also, all of you don’t have to see me with messy hair, and in pajamas no less!

I have always loved everything Japanese, at least since being in Middle School! My love of Japan started with my love of video games and then anime, and then food, and so on. A few years ago, I spent a year trying to teach myself the language, and now I’ve been learning it all over again! It’s been extremely difficult trying to grasp the concept of Kanji and when to pronounce Kunyomi or Onyomi… But I’m getting there slowly! I’ve always had a really hard time reading and trying to remember what I’ve read, so reading has always been a less than enjoyable experience. I’m getting there though, it’s just going by really slowly.

Two Years ago, I came up with a legend about Taiyaki. A Taiyaki is a Japanese pastry that is usually filled with adzuki beans, but can be filled with pretty much anything. I came up with a story that if two people broke one together, it would signify them putting the past behind them. A Taiyaki, although looking like a fish, isn’t fishy at all. In fact, it is a very delicious dessert! It reminded me that, although the world tries to mold us and make us ugly, we shouldn’t lose the core of who we are. We should always remember to love one another and to be kind; to not judge or compare ourselves to others. We should remember to forgive, and let go so we can live peacefully. I then wrote the story that is on my inspiration page.

I came up with the characters on my blog to sort of help tell a story and to help focus my ideas. Like I mentioned, ADHD can really be a terrible thing. You get these awesome ideas or these things you want to try, but anytime you go do the thing you’ve set your mind on doing, you completely lose the will to do them. It’s kind of comparable to wanting and needing to turn on a light because you can’t see in the dark, but your brain physically won’t let you do it. You just meander through the dark and deal with the consequences. Well, with these characters I’ve created, I’ve been able to willfully put my brain into a hyper-focus mode I control. It’s… something I’m really proud of <3

Anyway, I want you to know, whoever you are, that you are needed, you are loved and always welcome on my blog. I appreciate that you’re there on the other side of the screen quietly reading and listening. I hope my blog brings you joy. I appreciate you taking the time to peruse my about me, and I hope the rest of my blog brings a smile to your face.

From the bottom of my heart,

Thank you!

心 の 底 から,



My favorite scripture is one of Jesus’s last commandments which says:

John 13:34

New King James Version

34 A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another; as I have loved you, that you also love one another.

I truly believe that for us all to live peacefully while here on this Earth, we need to simply love one another. I don’t mean that kind of, ‘oh I need to love you cuz God says so'.’ No, I believe we all need to love each other honestly. We don’t have to believe the same, think the same, or even vote the same, but I do think we need to love each other. We all sin. Every one of us does. No one is better than the other. So if we all do it, why must we judge one another so harshly?

I believe in my heart of hearts that we all should develop an unyielding love for Jesus and one another. I know if we as Christians developed a heart that dares to love despite misunderstandings and disagreements, then Christ’s light can shine brightly through us; we can bring Him to the world.