Fragile Wishes | Art & Poem

Fragile Wishes

To recede into an empty mind.

Without experience, without sublime?

To separate your soul from time.

To go, to where? To go back there?

No, to go where all is fine.
A nostalgic place felt so near,
Into the unknown of further there.

Such a place, nonexistent hence,
From memory, I cannot recompense.
Tell me all that beauty sings,
Do we leave behind the ugly things?

To forge ourselves beyond, it matters not,
For starlight shimmers and burns our thoughts.
You to I, are all in one,
And you are as beautiful as the sun.

We go where darkness cannot reach?

Where light and color become just shapes.
Where sound becomes a gentle brook
And touch becomes the smell of a long lost book.
Hope is wild and free,
And dreams become us.
Wherever we go, it won't be far,
And we'll see to it that wishes fall as stars.

So others can follow what they may?

So hearts like ours can beat into the fray.

A Knock on the Door | Art, Haiku, And Blog Post


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